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Best 2nd word in Wordle

Looking at articles on best first word in Wordle, I see that most of it are focused on the best 1st word in Wordle. How about best 2nd word?

This medium article[1] revealed the full wordle list. I downloaded the answers and save it in a file (wordle.txt) and started to look at the list and the answer is ROATE, ORATE or OATER. I'll stick with ROATE because it is easier to remember.

#If first word is ROATE

When the answer for the first word is revealed;

If contains R: SURLY

If starts in R: RIDGY

If contains O: CLONS

If 2nd letter is O: COULD

If contains A: INLAY

If 3rd letter is A: SLACK

If contains T: THINS

If 4th letter is T: UNITS

If contains E: LINES

If ends in E: GUILE

If nothing is correct: INCUS

If both R and O are yellow: CRONY

If both R and A are yellow: ACRID

If both R and T are yellow: SHIRT

If both R and E are yellow: DRIES

If both O and A are yellow: MACON

If both O and T are yellow: SHOUT

If both O and E are yellow: LENOS

If both A and T are yellow: SAINT

If both A and E are yellow: LANES

If both T and E are yellow: ISLET


Try it out in achive wordle:

Nerd alert below!


#copy and save all wordle in wordle.txt

from collections import Counter

with open("wordle.txt", "r") as file:

#read each wordle and remove newline(\n)

content = [line for line in]

#concat all words in one string

contents = ''.join(content)

#get frequency count of all letters in wordle

res = Counter(contents)

#get only top 5 most common letters


out: [('E', 1233), ('A', 979), ('R', 899), ('O', 754), ('T', 729)]

#Answer is ROATE!

#check for letter R and not O and not A and not T and not E

words_with_R = [n for n in content if 'R' in n and 'A' not in n and 'E' not in n and 'O' not in n and 'T' not in n]


#i tried to get top 5 but no word comes out of RIUYS so I change it to top 6

out: [('R', 71), ('I', 37), ('U', 34), ('Y', 22), ('S', 21), ('L', 21)]



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